Religious experience

Being that I have had the last several days off from work, it has alowed my mind to start wandering upon the changes that my religious life has experienced in the past year. Last year I was of more of a evangelical base, but now I have swung to being more liberal. When thinking on this I began to think on religious experience.
When I was of an evangelical base my religious experience was that of pentecostalism. In pentecostalism the ephasis is placed upon Gods working and movement in spiritual lives now. What has changed for me is that I don't belive that. Now its not that I don't belive that God works and moves now, in fact I do, just very differently than what pentecostals or other experiental religions would belive. Religious experience has now become to me experienceing God in nature or at the wonder of creation. This is not a wiccan or pagan idea of god in nature. But the awe inspiring beautey that is seen in nature. I expereince this through the scientific understanding of nature as well as the more experiental side. The experiental side is staring at the stars at night and other such ways.
Now do I envy those of an experiental nature? no, nor do I think them wrong. I do think they have seriously limited themselves in thier experience of God and the eminsity of the universe. Humankind is ment to experience every facet of the divine not a small sliver of emotional hype.


Anonymous said…
religious expereince has little authority in religion today

commrnts please
Anonymous said…
religious expereince has little authority in religion today

commrnts please

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