Well first off sorry for anyone reading my blogg. School for the year is done so I am finally able to start writing again. I don't know if I will get to a discussion on sexuality directly yet however I hope to post somethings about that topic.
Today I did see something rather disturbing, sA the writer for www.progressiveink.com had a post about the Bush fish. That is just insane my concern becomes that there are a groups throughout history that take a respected ancient symbol and twist it, corrupt it and give it a different meaning. The most recent example is the swaztic with Nazi Germany. That was an ancient and respected symbol that now has evil conotations in our society today. I will wait and see how this turns out. I am convinced that it will leave a scare on christian society with it pushing the boundaries to far.
Today I did see something rather disturbing, sA the writer for www.progressiveink.com had a post about the Bush fish. That is just insane my concern becomes that there are a groups throughout history that take a respected ancient symbol and twist it, corrupt it and give it a different meaning. The most recent example is the swaztic with Nazi Germany. That was an ancient and respected symbol that now has evil conotations in our society today. I will wait and see how this turns out. I am convinced that it will leave a scare on christian society with it pushing the boundaries to far.