Collected Thoughts

Unfortunatly I haven't been able to post over the last several day's we have been busy with numerous activities. The biggest of which is that we are now going to be moveing into a house possibly this coming sunday. Katie and I have been looking forward to this for quite some time. Also to add to the enjoyment of moving we have family that will be out from Indiana to help us move.

Several thoughts have been going through my mind over the last several days, one is that I encountered this website in my internet travles a few days ago. What has fustrated me about this website is the authors need to have a narrow brand of Christianity be the "truth." In one of the authors articles he bashes the United Church of Christ, (of which I am now apart of) for being open to homosexuals and because SpongeBob is a "member". For someone such as me who has spent alot of time in conservative evangelical circles and has struggled constantly with my faith in Christianity (in fact at times I am barely hanging on) I find it insulting that Capranica would down play another denomonation because it doesn't hold to his narrow view of Christianity. I call his view narrow because any one who excludes Christians based upon their own theologcial belives are not only narrow but (dare I say it) bigoted. (so much for this rant)

Existentialism - in the primer one existentialism that I have been and finally finished reading I have read Jaspers, Heidegger, Sartre, and Camus. I must say that Jaspers, and Sartre's writing style both appealed to me (at least the portion that the primer gives me) and have encouraged me to pick up some of their works. Unfortunatly with everything going on in my life I was unable to pay as detailed attetion to the readings as I would have liked. So in the future this blogg will see more of the existentialist on here as I pick up some of their other works. For now I have moved onto one of my favorite fiction authors John Irving and his book "A Prayer for Owen Meany"

On a final depressing note for this post I recived a rather disturbing phone call today from my mother it appears that my sisters husband (who is an illegal alien) was picked up by imegration today in California. appariently he was trying to get onto a bus to come here to Pa and be with my sister and their 4 month old son. Since he was caught he will be expored back to mexico and will not be allowed into the country for 10-11 years. He was trying to do the right thing and had applied for a green card, in fact as I understand it his green card may even be in the mail now but it seems that has no bearance. To speak honestly this really shook me up today, Olivia is exactically 4 weeks old now and it just frightened me that my nephew, Gabriel, will grow up in America without a father (that is if there is no intervention, which as we understand it there is none that we can do). I spend a good deal of time today just looking at my daughter and wondering what will become of my sisters family. I hope and pray that something will be done to prevent this tragedy, and I ask for prayers and thoughts from people to help all of my family (most especially my sister, and Gabriel) as we wade through this rather horrifying event.


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