Business with Humanism and other things

Well I will be commenting here in the next several weeks on not only my classes but also my reading of the first two parts of the Humanist Manifesto. I am dealing with the Humanist manifesto because I have some speculation that I have some strong tendancies with them. I am still processing what I have read and will comment later.
Fall classes start up on monday and I will see how long it takes me to get as much as possible done. I also plan on posting some of my papers and my comments on both class and the reading we have to do. So far I have only begun to read "Islam The Straight Path" by John L. Esposito. This has shown me some remarkable things that I didn't know about Islam and has so far been a pretty easy read. I don't know if it is the authors writing style or just the fact that I am enjoying the book.
Recently I have also taken up listening to Pearl Jam more and more. I have had the greatest hits album "Rearview Mirror" for almost a year now and I just haven't been able to get into all of it, but last weekend when the Relife Now concert was on VH1 I saw them perform "Given to Fly" since then I haven't been able to get enought of their music. In fact I went out and bought another album "Yield", it has been excellent so far and I expect to enjoy more and more of thier music.
In recent family news we have had a big week with Olivia, she has rolled over for the first time. This was really exciting and to add on top of that she is getting more and more vocal. Its great hearing a baby coo and giggle. Also a few weeks ago Olivia had her hearing test and she passed which is great because I am partly deaf. We have to take her back for another hearing exam in 6 months so that we can keep an eye on here hearing development but we'll wait and see.
Here are some of my most favorite recent pictures...


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