The Viability of Liberal Chrisitianity

Well I have to say that I feel like I'm going crazy. Its now 9:11 in the morning and I have been up doing homework for the last 2 1/2 hours. I have done everything from reading St. Augustine to examining the book of Galatians for a paper. At this time in the morning I find myself questioning the viability of liberal christianity. This is a constant struggle that I have been in since my CMR two weeks ago. I have struggled with this issue over the last several months but it has come to a head for me in the last two weeks. Growing up I was evangelical/fundamentalist and to speak honestly I miss those days sometimes. Not because they were fun, by far they were not. I lived in perpetual fear of going to hell I was always trying to live righteously for God. It was a difficult way to live. I felt constantly pressured by the church and by family to live as they saw was right. What I miss about being evangelical/fundamental is the sense of purpose. There is a feeling of being a cohesive unit of belivers that while they differed in maybe minor or sometimes major things there was always a rallying call around the bible. Living that way imbued as sense of purpose I have not been able to find in the Liberal church. I understand that liberal christianity is big on social justice and tries to use that as a rallying cry...but it doesn't work. I find that there is very little holding them together. Evangelicals/fundamentalist would rally around bringing people into salvation with Christ. The world needs saved is a big issue for them and in general they are united in accomplishing that. Liberal christianity doesn't evanglize at least as far as I can tell, they sit and wait for people (now I know I'm speaking in broad terms not about specific people but this has been my experience so far.)

I have grown over the past 2 years more "liberal" by the minute and now that I find myself in liberal christianity I wonder if it was worth it. Because of that I have found myself drifting more and more to religious humanism. There is one defining reason for that, religious humanism has something specifically they can rally around. The inherant dignity and worth of every human being. While liberal christianity tries to accomplish this they insist on using language that has supported just the opposite for centuries. I think the fail to understand for all their trying that language and traditions that they insist on continuing only further the problem of worth and dignity for people. Evangelicalism and Fundamentalism doesn't even try to support this dignity and worth of people and in that sense are better off than liberal christianity which always seeks to double talk its way into main stream christianity.

All of this amounts to my continual quest for a religious outlook I can feel comfortable in. Religious humanism is becoming more and more attractive each day, and my inhibitions toward it are melting pretty quickly. As this happens the quest for me will become where do I fit in. At the moment it may be to seek dual canidacy some where or sometimes I think it is to get the hell out of religion all together. For any that read if you pray keep me in your prayers, if you meditate please remember me, if you don't do anything of religious type of activity just remember me and hope with me for a clear path.


Anonymous said…
As an Evangelical Christian, did you not learn of salvation by grace by faith alone?

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