
Its been quite a while now since I have last posted. Since then I have been in Turkey for 2 weeks, Lebannon for 1 week, and have begun classes. The trip was excellent and served to put a face not only on some of the biblical and classical scenary that I have so often read, but also put a face upon the people I hear so often in the news. For me there were two important sights that I saw. The first was at the archeological dig of Ephesus. I got to stand in the place where the apostle Paul stood and was put on trial. I have never been a huge fan of Paul, but seeing that place sparked a new life within me regarding the biblical text. The other important sight was seeing, and actually touching the Mediterranean Sea. I have never been an ocean person but to actually touch the sea that so influenced the lives of numerous writers and the course of western civilization.
In other news Olivia has begun to take steps in between Katie and I, so with the increased mobility we have begun the fateful process of child proofing the house. I have also decided to go back to the UMC. This decison has created a good deal of stability to Katie and myself even though I know it won't nessacarily mean ease.
I do hope to post here once a week, but I'm making no promises due to class :)