A Change in Church
It amazes me how much I still need to learn. Actually it amazes me more that I can watch a program on TV or have a conversation with my 13 month old daughter, a conversation that she obviously completely understands, and still not know really anything. What brought this on in me is that I was watching a science channel program “What the Ancients Knew.” If you haven’t seen this programming it is excellent, in some cases giving new information in others showing the interconnectedness of culture. As I was watching this programming I began to think how the ancient thinkers blended science, religion, myth, and everyday life into a complicated eco-system within their lives. Being who I am I was particularly struck by the part religion and the thirst for a place in the universe plays in all of this. Unfortunately today the church as a whole doesn’t seem to expect anything of this sort from their ministers (bear with me I know there are exceptions). I’m not harkening th...