Last year at this time I was reading about Islam and in some ways deathly afraid of the trip to Turkey that was right on my door step. I have found lately though that I am missing Turkey in some ways. The other day I got out some dried apricots and I stopped, I don’t know why but something was familiar about the smell. I kept thinking and thinking as I was chopping them up to put in oatmeal, where do I know that smell. Then it hit me, every morning in Turkey dried apricots were at breakfast. I maybe only ate one in Turkey, but the smell reminded me of our first hotel in Istanbul and looking out the window at the Blue Mosque.
Another memory point has been my reading over the last several months. Just recently I started reading a book on the history of the Knights Templar. In the course of the book Constantinople was mentioned and its part in the crusade history. I found myself visualizing the walls that circled the city, the aqueduct with roads running under it, and the hippodrome that the people I’m reading about would have seen. I keep thinking I need to go back with Katie and Olivia and see all of this stuff again.
The nip in the air this time of year also invoked a memory of Turkey, particularly Capadocia. I remember standing on the hill looking at the bank right in front of me with hovels carved out in it. My breath hung, as billowy puffs of smoke, in the air while the big white Anatolian Shepard dog pushed its massive head into my leg so I would pet it. When I was in Turkey I didn’t think I would actually miss it. I think the reason is I wasn’t prepared on my first over seas trip to engage the people, and take in the history or landscape. I believe I will take Katie and Olivia there some day, and take our time so we can learn from the people and the history in that amazing place.