Methodist History: The Centenary Campaign

The Centenary Campaign was a joint venture by the Northern and Southern church of the Methodist Church. The efforts of the centenary campaign were two fold. The first and immediate end was a celebration in Columbus Ohio in 1919. This celebration was fused with a celebration of democracy due to the ending of World War I (WWI). The second purpose was to increase missional giving and general missionary activity around the world. The amount of money was daunting. The North committed to raising, $113,741,455, and the South $35,787,338, both of these figures would be exceeded by pledges and subscriptions. At this time in history anything seemed possible. It wasn’t long though before this mindset backfired. As the years went on there was a general malaise of participation with the church. America spun into the Great Depression, and mission activity was more difficult than in years past. The difficulty lied in the fact that the church could no longer depend on the sword of colonia...