A Walk in the Woods

Sorry I didn’t get to post this past Monday, as is my habit, if you read the previous post you know I am currently in a job search and try, struggling, to wait patiently on the Lord and what the Lord decides. However about two weeks ago, right after I finished all my class reading I read a marvelous book called “A Walk in the Woods” This book written by Bill Bryson is a fantastic read. While Bryson is no hiker (a quite obvious fact from some of his discussions on what to do around wild animals and his in-ability to remain calm in the wilderness) he paints a rather amusing picture of hiking on the Appalachian Trail (AT). This was a completely enjoyable read, even for people who are in the habit of hiking and camping (such as myself). Bryson’s humor and writing style lands him a solid 4 out of 5 in my list. I highly recommend this to anyone, even people who aren’t wilderness adventurers. This is defiantly a great read if you just want to have a pleasant afternoon laughing at the bo...