After talking with a friend I realized that my last post sounded a little mad. I guess I should throw in some context. I am dealing with why God called me to the ministry and I haven't been called to a place (and not for lack of trying). And I'm trying to see how all of my education fits into a place where the people don't care about the issues that I have grown to see as important.
I have great faith in the UM and God's ability to work through the church. Yet in the context I'm in I am honestly struggling with what these people need to see about Christ and his work in their lives. I believe that John Wesley was able to do this and that is why the UM has potential.
I hope I didn't offend anyone with my rant last week, but as I have always stated on this blog, I am on a journey and I have no problems talking about my raw emotions and things I feel, if anyone reads anything here and doesn't know how to take it...just talk to me and I will explain myself. If if wasn't for a friend saying something about this last post I wouldn't have thought other wise (I have worked 74 hrs this week so my minds not working to great anyway.) I'll do another regular post hopefully Monday or Tuesday but I do need some rest so don't be surprised if you hear nothing by next Monday.
I have great faith in the UM and God's ability to work through the church. Yet in the context I'm in I am honestly struggling with what these people need to see about Christ and his work in their lives. I believe that John Wesley was able to do this and that is why the UM has potential.
I hope I didn't offend anyone with my rant last week, but as I have always stated on this blog, I am on a journey and I have no problems talking about my raw emotions and things I feel, if anyone reads anything here and doesn't know how to take it...just talk to me and I will explain myself. If if wasn't for a friend saying something about this last post I wouldn't have thought other wise (I have worked 74 hrs this week so my minds not working to great anyway.) I'll do another regular post hopefully Monday or Tuesday but I do need some rest so don't be surprised if you hear nothing by next Monday.