Catching Up

Well I was sitting here tonight and I realized that I finally have some time to do a little bit of blogging. Over the past couple of weeks I have been struggling with keeping some "me" time in my schedule. The reality is I haven't really had any. Things have been working so far that I have been able to keep one day a week open for my family, but I just haven't found that rhythm and roll yet on keeping some "me" time. This week has been going a little better on this score. While I have worked on my sermon for a few hours each night I have forbidden myself for reading any book explicitly for church (by saying that I mean something that I have an eye toward helping my sermons, bible study, worship or anything of that sort.) So tonight I have been reading Sex God by Rob Bell. So far I have to say I like it, I do admire Rob Bells writing style and his down to earth manner so I will give a further update as I complete the book. Besides this I've just been chugging along.


Art said…
I thought maybe you quit blogging with the appointment and all. Good to see a post from you again.
Christopher said…
"Me" time is hard. Learning which parts of the church can take care of itself is tricky. There is nothing wrong with scheduling "me/family" time and telling your parishioners that you have a previous engagement. Best wishes as you work this out.

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