I'm Still Here

Yes I'm still around, I'm just taking time to get everything worked out. Working 40hrs a week counseling, 20 + hours pastoring, and trying to be a husband and father tends to push out any blogging prerogative. My hope in the coming year is to re-find the joy of blogging and do it once a week, maybe Sunday afternoon. I figured I needed to post now to do my annual best books I've read for the year post as well as total numbers and averages, so here we go...

Two books that got excellent from me in the fantasy department were Eragon, and Eldest.
Until I Find You, for fiction
A Walk in the Woods for Non-fiction
And The Irresistable Revolution, and Generous Orthodoxy for church

Honorable mentions go to Into the Wild and Velvet Elvis. Into the Wild is placed here because I am still processing the story having just finished it yesterday.

My total amount of pages for the year was 11,718 This actually keeps the trend that when I graduate I read more than when I am in school. In fact my second year of Seminary had the lest amount of reading.

Well thats all for this week, hopefully I'll have enough energy to post next week. If anyone wants the names of the authors for these books or more detailed information just let me know.


Art said…
Wes, I hope you and your family had a wonderful holiday season and a great start to the new year!

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