General Update

I realized this week that its been a while since I posted a general update. I do this in part to help me prioritize in my mind what is going on. First and foremost in my mind right now is that everything has been turned into BOOM for my interview in February. I am excited to finally get this far in the process, but I am also very anxious. Its hard to work so hard and so long to have to look towards a meeting where the people on the board could require me to do more things (as if my schedule was that flexible) or stop me completely in the process. I guess when it gets down to it the latter of the two options is the one that makes me the most anxious.

I have also told the DS in this district that I was not seeking a re-appointment. True I'm hoping for a two point charge which would make me full time at church work, but I am also willing to do one year as part time (which is allowed if I am probationary).

My job as a TSS has also been occupying my thoughts lately. Last week I received a raise, a very good one based on my six month review. They also offered me a higher position, basically doing the same thing except I'm salary, guaranteed 40 hours and so on. I am happy there but I have been approached by other companies trying to offer me higher positions and it is extremely tempting. I am still praying and seeking more information on these other companies but thats where it stands. The odd thing for me is that the counseling job is the first job I have had that I feel is "right." That is it fits in with who I am and at least in part what I am called to do. I find myself thinking that if for some reason I get "blocked" in the ministry this is a job I could make a career out of. Its an interesting thought, and very new to me and my family. Katie and I are not used to having options when we aren't desperate.


Art said…
Options are always good. Continued good luck, Wes.

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