Recent News
Well the last several weeks have gotten away from me, and I have been unable to keep up with posting. There is a whole lotta news, first I made it through my BOM interview. It was a long and grueling eight hour meeting that involved more waiting than meeting but I made it through alive. Unfortunately it has meant that I will have to leave my current appointment for a full time appointment but I pray the will of God will be done. Also because of this I didn't take the job move up within my company, I already have enough on my plate and to risk burn out for just a little bit more money isn't worth it.
Besides this I have been trying to concentrate on taking time off. What I mean is that I have been trying to make sure I have one designated day of rest as well as a few hours each day of rest to recover. So far its been going good, at least as long as I have some good books to read.
Besides this I have been trying to concentrate on taking time off. What I mean is that I have been trying to make sure I have one designated day of rest as well as a few hours each day of rest to recover. So far its been going good, at least as long as I have some good books to read.