I have been watching a discussion over on Locust and Honey on communion. I haven't posted a comment or reply there because I don't agree with the majority of the comments that are being posted. I decided however to write on some of my thoughts and concerns about the discussion. If I am understanding right the discussion is really about what happens with the elements at the time of blessing, this has then led to discussion on who can serve communion as well as the blessing of the elements for shut ins and so on. Now to clear this up right away, I personally feel that anyone can serve communion, and that elders should not be fighting to make the list of who can bless the elements and serve them more exclusive. However I have a very high view of communion, I do believe that when the elements are blessed that they are no longer just bread and wine(grape juice). I also believe it does matter what we do with the remainder of the elements, we can't just throw them in the tr...