Tough Week

Unfortunatly I wasn't able to post earlier in the week because of some church circumstances that would have made blogging a partiuarly dangerous occupation (rants are sometimes bad when everyone can read them). But things have started to look up, right now I'm enjoying my day off with a Harry Potter movie marathon with my daughter. We then have plans to go to the Green Dragon. The biggest flea market in the area, with my in-laws.

I feel I have been adjusting well to living in Allentown, though I feel that I've had more difficulty fitting in with the congregation. This may just be an EUB thing or just this church, but it feels like its taking me longer to fit in here than it has for some time at a church.

The dog's doing okay, housebreaking is still a bit of an issue but it generally is with dogs who are breed for hunting. They are generally smarter and because of this have a bit more will in what "they" want. Tracker is picking up some commands. So far we have all but mastered "come," "sit," and "drop." This is a dog who loves to play fetch, she just doesn't always love to bring the ball back to you. As we get these commands finalized we're going to move onto "talk," "shake," and "stay." (which we've already started working on.) My hope is to train her for hunting, this is to keep her healthy with a good activity and also to get me outside more. I actually think its going to be more for the tracking than the hunting because I don't think I can get Katie to eat rabbit.

Well hopefully I'll be able to start some serious blogging next week.


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