
Showing posts from October, 2008


There are a few times every year when I get a bit nostalgic. One of the primary times is when I make potato soup every year. Now I posted on this I think two years ago, but some things bear further reflection. Potato soup is one of the few meals that have been with Katie and I since we first got married. It is a family recipe, which of course gets adjusted and changed a little every time we make it. I was really thinking about the potato soup when I was making it because it is the type of food that fits in well with an economic regression. The whole premise of the dish is that it is hearty and fills you up. Everything that goes into it is cheap with the most expensive item being the bacon. However when you have the most expensive item you use every portion of it. Now this is not a low cal or low fat food, you cook the bacon, and then use the bacon grease to cook the onions and potatoes. Nothing goes to wast and that is important, you don't peel the potatoes you just dice ...

Long silence

Sorry its been so long. I've been dealing with some immediate church issues that I didn't want to post about, and since they were pretty consuming as far as my time that didn't allow for thought on that much else. Things are going pretty good now I think. I believe that God has given me a clear vision for this church and the direction we need to go. We have also launched into a Revelation bible study, always fantastic for a new pastor to be working through. Of course in Sunday School I am also teaching Genesis, so a wonderful symmetry there. I've been struggling with keeping on top of things, meaning the studies and sermon but also keeping on top of the news. I hate watching the news but am actively trying to make sure I don't miss anything important. Hopefully (I know I've said this before) but hopefully I will be able to start regularly posting next week.