25 Random Things

Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.

Well I was hit by it, and this was my first opportunity to do it so here we go.
1. I love long hikes in the fall.
2. I am a Steelers Fan
3. I do the majority of the cooking at home.
4. I married my high school sweetheart (long story)
5. I hate, hate spiders.
6. I collect Tom Clark Gnomes
7. My favorite book of the bible is Ecclesiasties
8. I believe that things of fantasy (ie. gnomes, faries, pixies) are more real than we might suspect.
9. I love reading anything history related.
10. I am an avid rock fan
11. I have a very eclectic theology
12. I still play percussion when I get the opportunity.
13. I love hot tea, any kind
14. I write poetry in my spare time.
15. For the last 4 months I have consistently done personal devotions, this is a first for me.
16. I have only been over seas once.
17. Mel Brooks is the best comedy director of all time
18. I have almost all Spongebob Squarpants shows memorized (what can I say I have a three year old)
19. My home is connected (literally) to my job (and no its not as nice as you might think)
20. The farthest west I've been is Indiana
21. When I do have alcohol give me a good Irish Whiskey.
22. I resist and resent being made to define myself as liberal or conservative.
23. I rarely go to bed before 12am
24. My favorite novel is Les Miserables (non-abridged)
25. I don't really care about being up to date on all things culture related (this was a growing process for me)

Well this took far longer than it should have, but hey I rarely have to do this :)


Art said…
Very interesting. I love Ecclesiastes also.

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