Ecclesiastes 10:10

Ecclesiastes 10:10 10 If the ax is dull, And one does not sharpen the edge, Then he must use more strength; But wisdom brings success.”
Wisdom sharpens you. That’s the basic message of this verse. I’ve often thought about this, especially in the last several weeks. My personality is one that I am quick to respond and I feel often because of that I don’t feel as sharp as I should be. I have been praying and seeking to be more “quiet” in response to people and situations, I’ve been seeking to keep my ax sharp so that when I reply it is with thought and decision. Another aspect of this verse for me is how wisdom is acquired. A few weeks ago I expressed to a friend my frustration with church recently. I have never been one to read just church books, by this I mean church leadership, worship, or history. I’ve always been very eclectic in my reading selection mixing in a fair amount of classic literature, fiction, science fiction, and fantasy. Lately I have struggled to do that. I have increasingly struggled to read anything except church writings. I think this is one of the reasons I haven’t been posting as much, everything is church and it is difficult to write when you know church is reading (sorry if I just offended anyone). Keeping the ax sharp is something I’m striving to do, something I desire to do. The only way to accomplish it is to concentrate on it.


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