Central Verse:
"The word of the LORD that came to Micah of Moresheth in the days of Kings Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah of Judah, which he saw concerning Samaria and Jerusalem." Micah 1:1
Central Truth:
God doesn't just chose anyone or nobody to serve him. God calls specific people for a specific time and place. God has call everyone!
Food For Thought:(Questions about the text)
Take note of who the kings are and what the prophet is seeing. For more information on these kings you can read their stories in the book of 1 & 2 Kings.
Connections: (time with our society)
Like many of you I've encountered ministers who try to be more than they are. We have a perception in our churches and unfortunately often in the ministry that pastors must be perfect or appear to be like minister x,y or z. This opening scripture is very specific about Micah's time and his ministry. This is important to understand because God calls us to specific times and places. God works through each of us as unique people to bring his message to the world.