A Doxology
Reading Amount: Revelation 10:1-11:19
Central Verse:
We give you thanks, LORD GOD
Who are and who were,
For you have taken your great power
And begun to reign.
The nations raged,
But your wrath has come,
And the time for judging the dead,
For regarding your servants, the
And saints and all who fear your,
Both small and great,
And for destroying those who destroy
The earth."
Revelation 11:17b-18 NRSV
Central Truth:
The role of the church in the book of Revelation is one of praise of God and reflection on what God has done. We often forget this role in the church today in favor of other modes of expression.
Food for Thought:
Seven Thunders - a curious thing happens and John is interrupted and told not to write down what the thunders say. Traditional Apocalyptic tradition would dictate that there must be seven different sections of seven woes. Here we see that God is not trapped by our own traditions but is powerful enough to say stop, we will move forward.
Many contemporary worship songs and contemporary church styles emphasize what God does for us or what God did for me. "God saved me," "God is our defense," what is missing is praise for who God is just because God is God. There is always an element of praising God for the things he has done yet we forget to acknowledge that God is just, merciful, loving and kind. Attributes that make up his personality and makes God who God is.
The closest many of us get to this is Sunday morning when we sing the Doxology. This is the song traditionally sang after the offering is collected.
"Praise God from whom all blessings flow,
Praise him all creatures here below,
Praise him above yea heavenly host,
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost….Amen"
On a typical Sunday I am able to see peoples faces as we sing this song. Very rarely do I see it expressed as actual praise. More often it is sung without any thought just because it is habit. The praises that the church in Revelation is offering is anything but habit. It is praise of God for who he is based on experience.
I have often been out on a trail running when the Doxology has popped into my mind and I am reminded of the splendor of the world and how God has repeatedly provided for me over the years. I engage in singing the Doxology not because it’s the thing to do but because I know who God is and what God has done.