Humanist Manifesto 1 A

I read Shawns post over a lofitribe and remembered my commitment to examining my stance in light of the Humanist Manifest. More to the point I am seeing if I am possibly a religious humanist. While my writings on the first 15 points of the Humanist Manifesto 1 maybe sporadic because of school work my goal is an examination of my current views in light of the Manifesto. This may prove interesting because I have to also write my CMR (Church Ministry Review) for school in which I examin my belifes on 9 various doctrinal stances. So I imagine some of that will be coming out here as well.

"Religious humanist regard the universe as self-existing and not created."

This is the part "a" of the Manifest that I am dealing with. I am not entirely sure how to take this. As I understand it this is a statment against creationsim, that is they are claiming that matter has aways exsited and will continue to exsist. I can in fact agree with that statment. However I may agree but I also do belive in an intellegent design (although I am against it being taught in schools or taught at all for that matter, but thats another blog.) Because I have no scientific evidence for a creator nor evidence for a 'higher being' that has taken an active role in the creation of humanity and its society I can't make the claim for an intellegent designer as a basis of belief for people. I can say that it may be a personal stance that I have based upon personal experience and reflection. Having said that I guess I may be off to a bad start with the humanist manifesto. Well I'll wait and see that that does for me as I examin the other 15 points.


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