
Sometimes I wonder if we have really learned anything. Today I sat in United Methodist polity and we were talking about the issues that led up to the schism in 1824. The issue was over the episcopacy and the rights of bishops to appoint their presiding elders (modern day District Superintendents). Throughout the discussion we were talking about the differences and what the different sects were fighting over and while class discussion was good, and I am honest I always find fights to be interesting. However toward the end of class I found myself zoning out. Part of this is due to the middle of the semester crams and stress related to financial issues, but also because I seriously began to wonder, what the hell were these people doing? I don’t mean what they were fighting over; I mean was it really worth all the fighting.
I looked at the issues that were present and saw a lot of the current issues over homosexuals in it. I am not about to go into a discussion on that issue here on this site, but I just wondered are we really solving anything by fighting. I love a good discussion, even though lately I don’t have the energy for it, but if we spend all our time fighting how are we to effectively minister to people. The energy we expend in fighting and splitting could better be spent in ministering to hurting people. This energy could be spent in teaching others about critical reflection on their place in the world and in Christ’s body. I know this isn't a long post, but just what is on my mind today.