Thanksgiving Reflection

Thanksgiving is always a good time for my family. We are the type of people who really enjoy being together eating, talking, and playing. We went down last night and came back today in the evening. The day was made even more fun by the fact that I got my psychological review back on Tuesday. (I have yet to figure out why I had to pay 200 dollars for something I could have told the board, in fact the counselor quotes me at some length and all the issues that are pointed out are issues that I am already aware of :P)
All of us got up in the morning and got to the business of watching the Macy’s Parade on TV, a tradition that we have been doing for as long as I can remember. In the morning I took time to make eggnog for the first time. We had it later with dessert and needless to say I don’t know if I’ll ever buy eggnog again…yeah I will, I like it to much. After we ate we passed out in the sunroom and watched Rent.
Needless to say I’m thankful that the holiday was so good for me. I pray that it was good for other people and even those who didn’t have family to go I pray that that know God was with them.