The Semester in Review
Well we're quickly approaching the half way point in this semester and so far I have to say I like only half my classes. I have a class entitled Consensus and Discord (with a really long subtitle) but basically the class is about the liberal/fundamentalist divide in the US, and exploring (at least we have been told) whether we can talk about religion in a different way.
Then I have Polity, which is very enjoyable. Our professor is great for the class and its a small group so we have a good time together while learning. The other class I love is my Christology class. This class is good because there haven't been to many crazy people in it (thats a rant for another day).
My Ethics class is on the fence, I could take it or leave it. There hasn't been anything I didn't already know from my undergrad education. But on the plus side I have been able to argue with class mates and try to point out the flaws in their thinking (I have a serious case of senioritus). My world religions class is also okay, the material is great and I am really interested in whats being taught. However the professor was from India and has a heavy accent, this coupled with my hearing makes for a very difficult class session so I'm usually to exhausted or concentrating to much to be able to "play" in the knowledge that I'm gaining.
The only class I can honestly say that I am having an intense dislike of is my Administrative/stewardship/evangelism class. I find the demands that are put forth unreasonable and rarely makes sense when put all together. But what else should I expect when its taught by a process theologian (which I totally dislike), and president of my school. The material itself wouldn't be so bad I guess if my undergrad hadn't done a better job covering.
Of course all of this is to be taken with a grain of salt. As I mentioned I have a serious case of senioritus and a over all desire to just get out, but that happens after 8 years of strait education. So unfortunately for people reading my blog one of the reasons I haven't posted is because of the probability of a rant, hopefully I won't make you suffer as I am suffering :)
Then I have Polity, which is very enjoyable. Our professor is great for the class and its a small group so we have a good time together while learning. The other class I love is my Christology class. This class is good because there haven't been to many crazy people in it (thats a rant for another day).
My Ethics class is on the fence, I could take it or leave it. There hasn't been anything I didn't already know from my undergrad education. But on the plus side I have been able to argue with class mates and try to point out the flaws in their thinking (I have a serious case of senioritus). My world religions class is also okay, the material is great and I am really interested in whats being taught. However the professor was from India and has a heavy accent, this coupled with my hearing makes for a very difficult class session so I'm usually to exhausted or concentrating to much to be able to "play" in the knowledge that I'm gaining.
The only class I can honestly say that I am having an intense dislike of is my Administrative/stewardship/evangelism class. I find the demands that are put forth unreasonable and rarely makes sense when put all together. But what else should I expect when its taught by a process theologian (which I totally dislike), and president of my school. The material itself wouldn't be so bad I guess if my undergrad hadn't done a better job covering.
Of course all of this is to be taken with a grain of salt. As I mentioned I have a serious case of senioritus and a over all desire to just get out, but that happens after 8 years of strait education. So unfortunately for people reading my blog one of the reasons I haven't posted is because of the probability of a rant, hopefully I won't make you suffer as I am suffering :)
Then the dauntless mind
Which, to Jesus joined,
Neither life nor treasure prizes,
And all fleshly lusts despises,
Grant him, Highest Good,
Through Thy precious blood.
God's most humble servant, I remain,
John Wesley