It has been a while since I posted on anything related to worship, devotions, or meditations. In fact when I have posted on those items it has always been to comment on my feelings, or thoughts at that particular time. I noticed I have never talked or recommended materials for devotional purposes so I want to take the time to do that now.
In this arena where the choices are many, my recommendation for the computer savvy is to use Bible Works. I know an odd choice for a devotional bible but it makes perfect sense. You can see as much of the particular selection as you wish and you can journal your thoughts in the notes section of the screen. I have been doing this with the Psalms for the past 2 months, averaging about 1 Psalm a day. This has worked increadably well and turns a very important study resource into a spiritual resource.
This is an area that most often gets me in trouble. I am not a fan of worship music, I find most at best are cheesy. For me music worship takes place most often with U2, and yes sometimes even Pearl Jam. However there is one particular worship CD that I want to recommend, it is the Veggie Tales Worship CD.
I bought this CD for my daughter to listen to as she plays around the house, often painting or coloring. They picked excellent songs that encourage people to sing along and for me over the last 5 months or so have been increadably uplifting to my spiritual life. As I noted I have found a lot of contemporary worship music cheesy and unable to speak to me, and sorry for the traditionalist but hymns just don't cut it all the time. In my opinion this Veggie Tales CD is a must have, even for those without children
This is a special topic for me and is intricately linked to my spiritual life. I believe that time must be taken to mediate on nature and our relationship to it. For me this often means staring out my window at the trees swaying in the breeze, or the squirrels frolicking in the branches. However I must say for me I recommend picking up a good science book and reading it. The Universe in a Nut Shell by Stephen Hawkings is an excellent book to help you reflect on the beauty of God's creation.
My last major suggestion is don't be afraid to use whatever you have on hand as devotional material. Some of my greatest spiritual experiences have occurred while reading novels, "Things Fall Apart," or "Les Meserables" are two excellent examples of this for me. In the end I believe that we can find God anywhere if we just look, and because of that we are able to focus, and re-center ourselves on his message in the world.
In this arena where the choices are many, my recommendation for the computer savvy is to use Bible Works. I know an odd choice for a devotional bible but it makes perfect sense. You can see as much of the particular selection as you wish and you can journal your thoughts in the notes section of the screen. I have been doing this with the Psalms for the past 2 months, averaging about 1 Psalm a day. This has worked increadably well and turns a very important study resource into a spiritual resource.
This is an area that most often gets me in trouble. I am not a fan of worship music, I find most at best are cheesy. For me music worship takes place most often with U2, and yes sometimes even Pearl Jam. However there is one particular worship CD that I want to recommend, it is the Veggie Tales Worship CD.

This is a special topic for me and is intricately linked to my spiritual life. I believe that time must be taken to mediate on nature and our relationship to it. For me this often means staring out my window at the trees swaying in the breeze, or the squirrels frolicking in the branches. However I must say for me I recommend picking up a good science book and reading it. The Universe in a Nut Shell by Stephen Hawkings is an excellent book to help you reflect on the beauty of God's creation.
My last major suggestion is don't be afraid to use whatever you have on hand as devotional material. Some of my greatest spiritual experiences have occurred while reading novels, "Things Fall Apart," or "Les Meserables" are two excellent examples of this for me. In the end I believe that we can find God anywhere if we just look, and because of that we are able to focus, and re-center ourselves on his message in the world.