Ultra Marathon Man
My wife bought me this book for my birthday because she had heard some of the stories from it at the school she worked at. This book tells the story of Dean Karnazes (who is also the author) and how he came to run ultra marathons, an ultra marathon is a distance of 50 miles or more (the last story in this book is where Dean runs 199 miles). For those of you that don’t know a marathon is just over 26 miles long and was made to commemorate an event in ancient Greece. Dean’s story reminded me of a lot that I used to love about running. I also read this book thinking the entire time that this guy is crazy, and in some levels I’m right. I do recommend this book it is a fast read but good as long as you can get by how individualized the story is. Over all I give it a 3 out of 5 a comfortable middle ground