Sabbath in the City

I just recently finished the book "Sabbath in the City" by Dryan P. Stone and Claire E. Wolfteich and what a refreshing read. It was refreshing because the areas that this book recommends for Pastors in urban areas to work on have been areas that I have already identified in my own life that I need to work on. It was amazing (even though it shouldn't have been) how much I have in common with many of the other pastors that serve in urban parishes. I have been coming to grips with being an urban pastor. That is being a pastor in the third largest city in Pa. I've never shunned urban ministry, but I have never had to identify myself as an urban pastor, its a perspective change.
Personally I think this is a must read book. So much so that I believe I will be re-reading it in the near future so that I can be reminded to take a sabbath, and put sabbath practices front and center in my life and ministry. As you can tell I highly recommend this book to anyone, including those not in an urban parish setting, there are principles contained in this book that cut across divides. Another important note is that I appreciated this books willingness to criticize seminary education as one that doesn't encourage sabbath practices. Its a very insightful critique that if seminaries actually listen to it might actually change the pastor burn out rate.