
Showing posts from May, 2009

Post I've been dreading

This is a difficult post for me. This past week Olivia had a dr's appointment to test her hearing. Hearing loss is hereditary in my family, my mom has it, my older brother and myself both had hearing loss. When my brothers kids were born, and as they have grown up they have been repeatedly tested for hearing problems and all of the tests have been good, none of them have hearing loss. This week at Olivia's Drs appointment we found out that she has moderate hearing loss. To give you an idea I have severe hearing loss. Profound hearing loss is completely no hearing. Olivia will have to wear hearing aids her entire life. Now I want to make it clear, I love my daughter tremendously, and that love has not diminished. And hearing loss is not the end of the world. I've had hearing loss my whole life and I think I turned out pretty good. But there will be struggles she will have, things she will have to over come. She will learn that people are not as accepting as they pr...

New Music

Well yesterday I bought three new Cd's in preparation for our Disney trip at the end of the month. I got the Hair Spray soundtrack for Olivia, who absolutely loves the movie. I also got Boston's greatest hits which I'm still listening to and I have to say I'm really enjoying. I remember my dad being into Boston and I never had any interest in them until lately. Like all bands I get really into I've bought a greatest hits album first and then may buy more as the fancy strikes me. The final CD I bought was No Line on the Horizon, the new U2 album. I was patient in purchasing it, we didn't have the money until recently. Actually like most U2 albums I've found the major song that's being pushed "Get your Boots" is actually not the best song on the album. I'm still listening to it and I'll write a post soon enough on what I think is the best song, suffice it to say that I am enjoying myself quite a bit now listening to all the new mu...

Off the wall Reflections

Last week I went to Washington to meet with the General Board of Church and Society (GBCS). Which was very fund in and of itself, however I also had a free afternoon on my own in Washington, so I ran (almost literally) over to the Smithsonian Museums. I didn't take a lot of time in the museums because they were so packed with kids. There was one thing that stuck out majorly when I was noticing all the kids around, the majority of them were on cell phones about 90% of the time. They were either talking or texting the entire time. I started to remember when I used to go on field trips and from what I remember(as if it was that long ago) was how much it was about hanging out with my friends. I actually became a little sad at this. I guess I fear that a lot of kids are trading real interaction for plastic ones. Not only that but we trade real experiences for fake one. Maybe I'm just getting old :)