Off the wall Reflections

Last week I went to Washington to meet with the General Board of Church and Society (GBCS). Which was very fund in and of itself, however I also had a free afternoon on my own in Washington, so I ran (almost literally) over to the Smithsonian Museums. I didn't take a lot of time in the museums because they were so packed with kids. There was one thing that stuck out majorly when I was noticing all the kids around, the majority of them were on cell phones about 90% of the time. They were either talking or texting the entire time. I started to remember when I used to go on field trips and from what I remember(as if it was that long ago) was how much it was about hanging out with my friends. I actually became a little sad at this. I guess I fear that a lot of kids are trading real interaction for plastic ones. Not only that but we trade real experiences for fake one. Maybe I'm just getting old :)


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