The Path
I am obvious not as good a blogger as other people, in stead of taking time to blog about the holidays, I went and enjoyed them with my wife and daughter. It's late on Tuesday the 27th and I'm am taking time to finally catch all of you up on what I've been doing, getting, and thinking about during this holiday season. We've just spent three very hecktic days traveling around the country side visiting family and friends. Olivia was completely worn out by the time we arrived home at midnight last night, so we had to put off opening the presents we got for each other until the morning. I feel like I made out like a bandit. I recived so many wonderful and thoughtful gifts that I almost choked up several times in the process of opening them. The list runs from a dvd of U2's Virtigo tour, hard back copies of "Walden," and "Time Machine," a cast iron Duch Oven, saucier, new kitchen knife, and yes my most prized gift from my wife and daughter, a cas...