Bok Globules

On my Google home page I have a section for NASA photos. The photo you see here was taken by the Hubble telescope a few years ago. For any regular readers you will know that I love to read about science and nature and they often become the subject of my meditations. The Google feature actually has an explanation of the picture underneath, the fact that it’s a new star shining, and a nebula surrounding it aren’t what caught me (even those subjects are worthy of their own reflections.) I came across the name of something I didn’t know, a Bok Globules. Named after a scientist (with the last name Bok) the black section of the picture is a dense section of gases and various particular matter that is considered cold, by which I mean its not on fire. From what I understand this is basically a dense nebula, so dense that you can’t see light on the other side and this nebula may or may not be in the active process of creating and birthing a star.

The immensity of creation amazes me. I can’t believe that God, who is so minute in the details of our physical lives, is still in the process of creating. The God who still births stars loves and cares for me. May Christ constantly keep this at the forefront of my mind, and allow it to continue teaching me.


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