First Sunday
Just to give an update, I meant to post yesterday but things got away from me. My first Sunday here at Emmanuel went very well, at least I thought so. I did change some things in the service but I think everyone reacted very well to that. Things have been going okay, I've been trying to work at a basic level change in this church. They are in survival mode, everything unfortunately is going back to money at the moment. I have been taking the time to redirect people to the mission and ministry of the church. This change will take time, but my prayer is that God will bring about a heart change within this congregation. Besides that (of course its the most essential thing) I have been playing with several new toys. The church has a laptop for the pastors use only, so that's what I'm blogging with right now. Also when we moved we decided to get a new TV, so I have a 40" Sony Bravia with surround sound now. This has been a lot of fun :)I'm also slowly working on getting to a set schedule (or at least some semblance of a set schedule) so that I can set up my regular posting and so on.