Ecclesiastes 2:24-25

Ecclesiastes 2:24-25 24 A man can do nothing better than to eat and drink and find satisfaction in his work. This too, I see, is from the hand of God, 25 for without him, who can eat or find enjoyment?

This is one of the passages in Ecclesiastes that is quoted by a lot of different biblical figures, including Jesus. Everyone who quotes it has a dislike of the statement. The Teacher in Ecclesiastes is the only one who offers an alternative. Enjoy life! This is a message not expressed enough in the church or by well meaning Christians. The facts are we don’t know anything about what happens when a person dies. We have faith that there is a bodily resurrection and that we spend eternity in Christ’s presence. That being said we need a healthy dose of what the Teacher has to say. Eat and drink, enjoy life because in the end this maybe all we have. The Teacher sees this as a gift of God, when you realize that you need to actually enjoy life, I would add while holding on to your other faith elements. The end of verse twenty four and verse twenty five lend themselves to the idea that not everyone gets this. In fact the Teacher is claiming that this is a gift by God. I’ve heard people understand this as predestination, so that would again mean there is no point to this activity. I don’t think that is what the Teacher is expressing here. The fact of the matter is the people who figure out how to hold onto their beliefs and enjoy life come from all areas of life, rich, poor, wise or fool. Being one or the other doesn’t guarantee that you will ever figure this out or actually put it into practice. We need to remember that God has given us this life, and while we may not understand why things happen or why the evil succeed and the good are oppressed. Sometimes we need to remember that we need to take a step back and remember this life. Eat, drink, and enjoy.


Anonymous said…
I love this line too. It is repeated in Eccl. 3 after the famous "To everythnig there is a season..." bit. I regularly read those two together. Also, the enjoyment is "satisfaction" in work...i.e. do something you love and do well at it. Might change our economic outlook if we employed this as a standard of a good productive society.

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