God's Judgment comes to All

Central Verse:

For lo, the LORD is coming out of his


And will come down and tread upon

The high places of the earth.

Then the mountains will melt under him

And the valleys will burst open,

Like wax near the fire,

Like waters poured down a steep


What is the transgression of Jacob?

Is it not Samaria?

And what is the high place of Judah?

Is it not Jerusalem?

Micah 1:3-4; 5b NRSV

Central Truth:

It is easy when we are in a place of privilege and power to believe nothing will happen to us, that we alone carry favor with God. We risk forgetting that although God loves us, and his love wins the day, God is also just and righteous demanding acts of service and justice be performed.

Food for Thought (questions about the text):

Theophany - a theophany is the experience of seeing God. In the biblical text this almost exclusively seen as God coming to the rescue of his people except here where Micah sees God coming, not to rescue his people, but to punish them.

What appears to be the transgressions of Israel (Samaria) and Judah (Jerusalem)?

Are there any modern day Israel's and Judah's? Does this text seem to imply individual piety or national piety?

Connections: (Time with our society)

It is easy to convince people of the status and privilege of American society. Even in these hard economic times we enjoy some privileges that others can't even dream of. One of the big issues plaguing American society right now is the national debt and the lack of jobs available for the middle class and poor.

In our society in recent times we have experience two vitriolic political movements around these issues. The first being the Tea Party movement and the second being the Occupy Wall Street movement. Both of these groups are unhappy with their place in American society and with the current political and geo-political systems in place. There are pros and cons of both movements, and I have no intention of endorsing either one, but one thing is agreed upon and that is that there is something wrong in our society today.

Many of our national politicians and civic leaders sacrifice the basic needs of the poorest in our society to provide more for the wealthiest. And with that we build up places in our society where the worst elements of humanity are celebrated. Wall street as a fount of greed, Washington DC where lying is a way of life. While our nation has prospered we have often neglected the poorest of our society and of the world. This begs the question, if we were to see God coming in the clouds would he be coming to lift us up or bring us low?


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