Truth, Justice and ...

Central Verse:

Hear this, you rulers of the house of Israel,


And chiefs of the house of Israel,

Who abhor justice

And pervert all equity

Who build Zion with blood

And Jerusalem with wrong!

Its rulers give judgment for a bribe,

Its priest teach for a price

Its prophets give oracles for money;

Yet they lean upon the LORD and say,

"Surely the LORD is with us!

No harm shall come upon us."

Micah 3:9-11

Central Truth:

People with responsibilities over others, politicians, religious officials and public servants have a responsibility to uphold justice. When justice is not upheld by everyone, everyone suffers!

Food For Thought: (Questions about the text)

Historically speaking Micah is speaking to three groups the first are the politicians, second are the prophets and thirdly the priest.

Verse 8 is the most information we have about Micah's calling. While this doesn't give us information on what his calling was about it does help us to understand what Micah understood his calling to be.

An important aspect to remember in regards to Micah's prophecies is that people will be punished for what they have done wrong to others. However this does not explain why bad things happen to people. What we see here in Micah is that sometimes suffering can be explained by sin, sometimes it is a consequence of victimization and, perhaps most unfortunately, by a rippling effect of sin being lived out by other members of the community. The judgment Micah calls down is directly the result of a few individuals actions but there is collateral damage to people who were good people living out their lives.

Connections: (Time with our society)

Leaders, both religious and secular, often are criticized for what they say. In our current political and social climate it is unpopular to say anything contrary to popular expressions of patriotism and living. To question anything that’s in our national interest is to risk out right ridicule not to mention the potential to loose your job.

It is difficult to speak the truth when the truth hurts. Its even more difficult to speak the truth when you risk your way of making a living. Its easier to say things that make people feel better than to challenge the status quo. The problem is when the status quo isn't challenged people get hurt. People are hurt by the evil that others perpetrate and by the extremes they live their life. The best example of this in our society today is of the debt crisis and financial collapse. It wasn't just government or businesses but individuals who lived by greed and thus in turn lived beyond their means. Sin affects everyone not just the individual who participates in the act.

Israel at this point in history had reached a tipping point with the sins of those in charge. That sin caused such problems that finally God is going to react. And the punishment that those in charge receive is that God won't be with them or answer their prayers. Something that people who believed they were the chosen ones couldn't believe was possible yet here it happened. In the end a lot of people were hurt by the leaders arrogance and inability to speak and live out the truth when it mattered most.


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