The Greatest Sin

Reading Amount:

John 18:1-19:42

Central Verse:

Jesus answered him, "You would have no power over me unless it had been given you from above; therefore the one who handed me over to you is guilty of a greater sin." John 19:11 NRSV

Central Truth:

There is a sin that is worst than all others according to the Gospel of John. It is the rejection of God in the form of Jesus, you can be redeemed from this sin but it is the primary issue in the way of salvation for John.

Food for Thought: (Questions about the text)

There is always a question of who was responsible for the death of Jesus, it is important theologically and historically. Who do you think is responsible?

Connections: (Time with our Society)

In many of our churches there is an almost constant emphasis on sin. This also happens in how our churches interact with society there is a huge emphasis on what people do and the sin that people engage in. In the Gospel of John the greatest sin is to not acknowledge who Jesus is. Pilate is afraid in the theme verse and in an odd way Jesus comforts him at first to show that at that moment he is not the one to blame. It is those who don't acknowledge who he is. The sad part is towards the end of the reading Pilate joins the "Jews" as one of the unbelievers who encounters Jesus but doesn't acknowledge who he is.

We have to ask ourselves how things would be different if we emphasized knowing Jesus as opposed to what people are doing wrong. This is a call for us to err on the side of grace as opposed to judgment. To look at others and see the potential for faith not the primacy of sins. This is a difficult task for us to engage in. Some will see us weak for not calling people out on their sins. Others will see us as asking to much, to believe that Jesus was and is God. Yet this is our task if we are going to share the Gospel with everyone and have the maximum amount of opportunities.


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