
Showing posts from March, 2007

Planet Earth

Last night I watched the program Planet Earth on the Discovery Channel. I love watching nature shows, this love affair started when I was young and would watch Wild America before I went to bed at night. Since getting married I don't watch as many nature shows as I would like. My wife tends to find them a bit morbid, which is true of some nature shows where they will spend 15-20 minutes on a kill scene of a predator. I am happy to say though that this discovery channel program was fantastic, so much so that my wife even liked it. The cinematography was excellent, the narrators voice perfect, and the over all quality such that I want to buy the series on DVD. The only other nature series that I have even begun to buy was Blue Planet which I highly recommend. Check out the web site for Planet Earth this web site is excellent and gives you a brief taste of what the show is about. Personally I love it because it reminds me how much God has cared for this planet, that he made e...


It has been a while since I posted on anything related to worship, devotions, or meditations. In fact when I have posted on those items it has always been to comment on my feelings, or thoughts at that particular time. I noticed I have never talked or recommended materials for devotional purposes so I want to take the time to do that now. Bible: In this arena where the choices are many, my recommendation for the computer savvy is to use Bible Works. I know an odd choice for a devotional bible but it makes perfect sense. You can see as much of the particular selection as you wish and you can journal your thoughts in the notes section of the screen. I have been doing this with the Psalms for the past 2 months, averaging about 1 Psalm a day. This has worked increadably well and turns a very important study resource into a spiritual resource. Music: This is an area that most often gets me in trouble. I am not a fan of worship music, I find most at best are cheesy. For me music wo...

Mac and Cheeze

Sometimes being poor pays off. The bane of the modern household is what to do with leftovers. I'll admit it, we don't do as good with them as we should. When we first got married we only knew how to cook for 5 people so there was tons of leftovers. Then we reached the point where I could make just enough for the two of us so that there was nothing left unless we intended it i.e. pizza the breakfast of champions. Then we had Olivia, you can never tell how much you need. Sometimes you make something and she just doesn't eat much, other times you are feeding her all the scraps from bowl. So needless to say our leftover production has gone up. The benefit of being poor in relation to food is that you get very creative with what you have in the cupboard. Tonights meal was Mac and Cheese but not just any Mac, oh no, this was home made. With cheese sauce, whole wheat pasta, extra Monteray jack cheese and a few special things. Mac and Cheese has earned the name of refrig...

Weekend Review

Well I have a few minutes while Olivia watches Wallace and Gromit, (don't ask me, she just loves them) to post some comments about the last several days. First I haven't heard anything about a job yet, and you better believe that this is in the forefront of my mind. We looked at two apartments on Friday with one coming out in a definite lead. We'll go and see two more this coming Friday. Of course the problem is that even if I work at Lenscrafter 40 hours a week we still won't make enough to cover bills and rent an apartment. I'm praying a lot to get called to a church, even if its part time, I just need to get out of retail. Any way, on Saturday after working a full shift I went to the youth group lock in. What an adventure, it was complete with 8th graders making 6th graders cry, and God knows what else. Over all I think it was a good night, yet in conversation with the Youth minister we recognized that there needs to be a lot of work done with these kids ...

The Semester in Review

Well we're quickly approaching the half way point in this semester and so far I have to say I like only half my classes. I have a class entitled Consensus and Discord (with a really long subtitle) but basically the class is about the liberal/fundamentalist divide in the US, and exploring (at least we have been told) whether we can talk about religion in a different way. Then I have Polity, which is very enjoyable. Our professor is great for the class and its a small group so we have a good time together while learning. The other class I love is my Christology class. This class is good because there haven't been to many crazy people in it (thats a rant for another day). My Ethics class is on the fence, I could take it or leave it. There hasn't been anything I didn't already know from my undergrad education. But on the plus side I have been able to argue with class mates and try to point out the flaws in their thinking (I have a serious case of senioritus). My wo...


Well it has been a while since I posted, even though it may not be necessary I feel I need to explain why. I had my meeting with DCOMM to become a certified candidate. Because of that I went into overdrive making sure my essays were in order, and quizzing myself with close friends and my mentor over my response to any possible questions. The good news is that I am now a certified candidate and have been so now for a week. So now that that is in order the next step is getting a job for this summer...if my DS doesn't call me to a church. So we started to look for apartments in and around Lancaster city. I also have to do a CPE so I am looking at applications and trying to narrow down the field especially since I don't have a job yet :) On top of this I had to install windows Vista and for anyone who's done that yet it quickly turns into a chore. Then I was working on class work with my biggest project, diagramming out UM polity for Polity class. So as you can tell jus...